Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I Love My Boss

I think I am blessed at work. I'm the type of person who works with a right reason for the right people. I always find that right reason to be my determination to go and do things, and I find those right people as my driving force to continue going and doing. I'm like that. I will never do something for the wrong reason, and never will I do things for the wrong people.

That's my policy in life at work.

And at this point, being on my 3rd month as an Executive Assistant was tough. I know it will never be easy but I took the challenge. I love challenges. I enjoy when I see myself struggling on figuring out how to do things, when I become resourceful and creative just to get things done, and when I see instant result of what I do. And most especially when I please my boss. Or...

If I make her happy. It's my satisfaction as an EA.

Being in the Operations for 8 years became my way of life already. I learned a lot during my stay in that area. I don't want to say I became an expert but I know I became very good. And jumping in to another role was a challenge because it's a different ball game. And indeed it was. Minus the fact that I had no official training when I assumed my post, it was really tough. I had to learn it on my own. There were times when I just had a "blank" moment because I really don't know what to do.

But I always find a way. That's what I enjoy. And that's how I am. I don't like to answer "I don't know" or "I can't". I will always try first and make it happen. And when I see myself making things happen, it makes me feel good. I see myself growing as a person and getting matured with my career. Those two months that have passed was a slight baptism of fire. Until this month came, the real baptism of fire happened.

Today was the start of a series of client visits. As an EA, I learned that I had to take care of those stuff. The agendas, the logistics, the planning, the consolidations, the arrangements, a lot of things. I thought it would be easy because I enjoy doing those stuff but it did not turn out to be that way. The universe gave me not just one client visit, but several client visits on the same weeks. It was tough. It was challenging. What a baptism of fire!!!

But my boss made it easy for me by supporting me, by being there when I needed some positive reinforcements, by not scolding at me when I commit mistake but by teaching me what I could have done better. She shows me the way. She understands me and she recognizes my accomplishments. She's patient and she makes me feel that I am protected. She gets mad when someone makes me feel bad. That's her. That's my boss.

That's why I love her.

My boss and I were not really close when I was still a Supervisor. Fair enough to say that we had a good working relationship but we rarely had a chance to mingle or to interact. In short, to say that I am not that close to her. A lot of things happened in our office. A lot of bad things happened to her. She became the center of attraction. Actually, of destruction. A few forces had thrown bad things about her, in which influenced a lot of people to believe its true.

I've heard so many things. But of course, I don't easily believe on hearsays. Until confirmed and verified by myself, that's the only time I will say I am believing on the issue. When I got appointed to be her EA, it was shocking in a way. Why me? I asked that question to myself. But I am grateful that she believed in me that I can do the job, that she can trust me and she had confidence that I have the potential.

And I tried proving for the last two months that she did not make a wrong decision.

Being on this position gave me an opportunity to validate all the issues being thrown at her. I had to know. I wanna make sure I am working for the right person. It matters to me.

I am relieved and actually thankful to prove that all of them were wrong. And I can't actually believe how they have done it to her. But all in all, I am happy. Because now, I can say that I am working with the right reason for the right person.

I am truly impressed with her work ethics. She has great passion at work. She works long hours and never stops working, attending meetings, fixing issues, meeting her deadlines, doing her reports. I don't know where she gets that energy everyday. She's determined to accomplish what she needs to accomplish. Even when at times she is sick, she's still at work. And even when times are getting rough, she continues.

She cares for her people. She finds time to talk to them as possible given the hectic schedule she has. I should know, I take care of her schedule. She has a heart for recognition too. She will try to find time to recognize those she can recognize. She is also get affected easily when someone in her team gets hurt, or someone is being abused, or someone is in trouble. She wants to take care of it immediately. No tomorrow, she will do it a.s.a.p.

She's a beautiful lady with a natural gorgeous look. She has the height, the wit, the charm and the personality. She used to be a model but she never brag about it. She already knows she is blessed but she doesn't like to promote it. She doesn't wear make-up. Just imagine how she looks like and get the picture of what I am trying to draw.

She doesn't even want her to be known as a pretty girl. She wants people to know her as someone who is excellent on what she does, by her accomplishments and skills. She hates people who sees her beauty first than her capabilities. She is humble. And she's a happy person!!!

When things are getting tough, she finds way to laugh around, to get away with stress and continue life. She's in a difficult situation at work because there are people painting different colors on her, but she gets away with it. She keeps on fighting and proving that truth will prevail in the end, and that's why I support her. I see what she does, and what I see impresses me. And I guess that's the reason why those people who directly reports to her shares the same passion even when it's getting rough already.

I don't tolerate evilness around me. I don't support someone who does evil stuff at work. I will never ever support someone even if that person is my boss. I am very loyal to whom I serve as long as my principles in life are similar with him/her. If it gets changed, I'll get my support back and leave. And I did that to my previous bosses. You have me with your clean heart, buy you will lose me with your bad heart.

My boss has been accused with so many things but in reality, she is not that person they believed she is. And I will stand for this because I know the truth. I see it with my two eyes, and I hear it with my two ears. Today was tough, not only for me, but for her too. And because I am filled with so much love and support, I was able to do things that I needed to do. And so I thought of writing an entry for her. So I can give it back to her through writing.

I guess she deserves to hear these. For people who are up there already, they rarely hear positive feedback. Most of the time, all they hear are problems, issues, accusations, negative publicity. I sometimes think, "what if I'm in her position???". I guess I could have killed myself already. It takes really a tough person to do the job. And she's great. Only if everyone sees and knows the way I do.

To the trust you gave me, for all the support you've thrown, for the understanding, for spending your own money just to make your team feel special on their birthdays, for staying so you can continue fighting for the people who deserves great things at work, for staying positive and optimistic even when everyone is feeling giving up, you are an inspiration. You are our strength. And thank you because God placed you there for a very big reason.

I thought last month that I did a wrong decision. Because it was just a lateral movement, no change of title, no salary increase, no overtime pay, but longer working hours, higher stress level, hard decisions to make, tough people to deal with, challenging tasks, but I was wrong.

The lessons I learn are more valuable. And the friendship that is built out of our working relationship is far more rewarding than monetary incentive. I am empowered. I am entrusted with bigger things. I am growing. I am exposed. My network is expanding. Those non-material things I will take each day and will surely be beneficial for me some day. That's how I look at it now.

Thanks a lot boss! We cannot have this moment at work. We're too busy with so many things. So I am taking my time on my personal space to do this because I feel, YOU DESERVE THIS. It's time for you read positive write ups.

Thanks a lot boss. I feel very happy, honored and proud to be working with you. Someday, I will be very proud to say...


Because the day that I will say that, is the day that I am already successful and up there too. And I believe on that!!!

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